Redfin Risk Mitigation, Inc. was established in 2013 by retired US Navy Special Operations professionals to offer personal security consultation and training to high-value individuals, corporate executives, and business professionals. With over 45 years of combined military experience, Redfin Risk professionals know that personal security is not only each US military member’s responsibility, but is especially important for business professionals. Redfin Risk has the experience, training, and security mindset to provide world-class personal security consultation and instruction to high-value individuals, business leaders, and professionals around the globe.

Since its inception in 2013, Redfin Risk Mitigation, Inc. has made hundreds of presentations to individuals, businesses, and professional groups across the United States. RedfinRisk has shared a range of personal protection and risk mitigation options to empower individuals to protect themselves and their families from crime and criminal violence. RedfinRisk has the experience, training, and security mindset to provide world-class personal security consultation and instruction to high-value individuals, corporate executives, business leaders, and professionals around the globe.